recuitment poster

recuitment poster

Tuesday 23 August 2011

letter home

Dear Mother,                                                                                                           1915
Missing you lots. Today I'm coming home because of my illness, I have been in this Hospital room for 72 hours because i got shot in the leg by a Turks gunner, I’ve was helping a fellow soldier who had been wounded. Last year I was excited to come but now I’m afraid of letting my country down, dying. It has been raining here, so it's muddy around the tents. I can't believe three of my brothers died within 5 months of each other. Father is still with me in Gallipoli.As you know i was with the second wave who landed in Gallipoli. As you would know by now, the landing was adisaster, so many men were killed. This isn't what I thought it was going to be like. We were ambushed. The termain doesn't help us and living in the trenches is a nightmare.
No more talk about the war, I'm looking forward too seeing you, as well as having a deep dark sleep with out any aircraft or anyone yelling at me too wake up or being woken up by gunshots.. I miss your cooking and the warm, hot shower. I also miss my bed and clothing.
The doctor just came in and told me, “We will be getting you out of here in to a helicopter so that I will be getting home to you.” .
Dad is still fighting for his life out here in the war, he got wounded a couple of times, but nothing too serious.You would be so proud of him mother.
I'm missing you lots and can't wait to see you. How are things at home? Are you still baking a roast on Sundays?
I will see you soon,

Love you always,
 your son, Robert  xxx

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